Welcome to Chris Kehler Holistic Our unique system of dowsing is able to pinpoint the root problem causing your health issue within a relatively short period of time. For example, if you have asthma, our system will find what is causing your asthma - be it a virus, parasite, negative energy etc. Once we find the problem area and the cause, we use Krystaline energy tools (such as pyramids) to “neutralize” the cause or “stressor.” In most cases, the client can feel a difference by the end of the session, or up to a 24-48 hour period. Keep in mind that very chronic cases may take longer and more sessions to see a result. All this work can be done within a distance healing session, on the phone or over Skype. We have clients in cities and countries all over the world, so there is no need to spend thousands of dollars travelling to our office in Winnipeg! With our system, we’ve had much success with the following types of health problems; shingles, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, spasms, fertility issues, cancers, digestive disorders and so on. We’ve also worked extensively to remove soul problems, anxiety and depression, spiritual attachments, curses, spells and all other forms of negative disruption in the energy of your body.
Show Topic: Alien Black-Ops
Whistleblower - Super Soldier
Recently, a
gentleman named Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen III (an alias name) has come out to
talk about and whistleblow on CERN, Area 51, Military ET/alien sectors and black
ops operations.
Daniel's function
in the Military Industrial Complex program is
a "balancer". He
is trained to kill in over 270 ways, and has done so.
If elements of the
program step out of line, no matter their rank, he would
kill them.
He has had enough.
What bothers him is what's happening right under people's noses, due to shadow
governments and the cabal.
He's tired of
seeing good people, like you and me, get played by
a false reality.
He feels it's time
to get his message out.
Daniel was born
into the Military Industrial Complex as a Slave to a
MK Ultra Project,
but through a series of manifested miracles he fell
through the cracks
to find a new life, where being Loving & Lovable, has
led him to an
understanding of how to escape the prison of the mindset of
this present
Corporate World & all of its entrapment's.
He feels it's his job now and mantra to help others to escape this Prison to begin new lives & a new journey for themselves, by becoming Free-Moral Agents in Service-To-Others.
Dr. Emil Faithe
Dr. Emil Faithe is a medical
medium who works with multiple techniques to help his patients achieve a
state of healing and vitality, when others have failed. Dr. Emil has
helped thousands of people worldwide achieve health and vitality.
Sessions with Dr. Emil:
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